I'm gonna help you write Headlines that grab attention INSTANTLY

Headlines are like Faces of Girls (at least, i think this way); no matter, how great the body is, nobody is gonna come to you, unless you've a face that appeals to the guy. Same way, nobody is gonna even a minute on your written copy, if it's not having a KILLER headline. By no means, i'm undermining the value of content in the body (it's really, really important to sustain the interest of your reader until he reaches the last word, and then, do what you want him to do), i only want to make you aware of the value of a headline that captures the very attention of your target audience. 

So,here are the 7 tips: 


Headlines should be different 

So, how many faces you remember when you come across a crowd? Chances are, you'll only notice someone who's different, right? I never forgot the girl in that bus, who was wearing a red tie over a tight white shirt; there were at least 50 other girls in the bus, but, she was different (the color of her tie, while other girls had somewhat blackish ties). Oops! forgot the things into telling you about the girl; but, the only thing that i want to stress upon here (apart from the girl with red tie) is the fact that you have to (i mean, you have to) pen down Headlines, which are DIFFERENT, and perfect fits the content that you're about to put down on paper.


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